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The Angry Beavers is an American animated television series created by Mitch Schauer for the Nickelodeon channel. The series revolves around Daggett and Norbert Beaver, two young beaver brothers who h...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent The Angry BeaversPeanut, Jelly, and Baby Butter Otter live on a houseboat along with all of their friends. Whenever they get into a situation where they need to think, they perform "The Noodle Dance" until one of them...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent PB&J OtterA year after the events that took place during the "Final Battle" and after the destruction of Omnitrix, 16-year-old Ben Tennyson has to face new enemies.
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Ben 10: OmniverseAvatar Korra, a headstrong, rebellious, feisty young woman who continually challenges and breaks with tradition, is on her quest to become a fully realized Avatar. In this story, the Avatar struggles...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent The Legend of KorraFollow the adventures and misadventures of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl who's doing her best to navigate through the early years of teen-dom. Penny's every encounter inevitably spirals i...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent The Proud FamilyThe life of Gumball Watterson, a 12-year old cat who attends middle school in Elmore. Accompanied by his pet, adoptive brother, and best friend Darwin Watterson, he frequently finds himself involved i...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent The Amazing World of GumballThe life and times of a cat and a dog with a unique twist: they're connected, literally. They share one body with a Dog's head at one end and Cat's head on the other. Adding to their dilemma is Cat's...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent CatDogThe long-awaited rebirth of the greatest superhero team of all time: Batman, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter.
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Justice LeagueDanny Fenton was once your typical kid until he accidentally blew up his parents' laboratory and became ghost-hunting superhero Danny Phantom. Now half-ghost, Danny's picked up paranormal powers, but...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Danny PhantomFievel's American Tails is an American/Canadian animated television series, produced by Steven Spielberg's Amblimation animation studio, Nelvana, and Universal Cartoon Studios. It aired for one season...
Find out more, including where to buy or rent Fievel's American Tails